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Hiring Manager University

Image of a major presentation at a trade conferenceWe've developed a series of courses that are delivered on-site and through webinars. Our on-site presentations are highly sought after for management meetings, team development off-sites, trade association keynotes and break-out sessions, and executive learning forums.

The courses listed in the course catalog below can be applied directly to your management team or customized for a particular group. If you would like to learn more about customizing one of our courses for your next management meeting or conference, feel free to contact us. One of our partners will follow up with you immediately.

Over the past 25 years, Barry Deutsch and Brad Remillard, the founding partners of IMPACT Hiring Solutions, have put more than 50,000 CEOs, senior executives, and managers through one of the programs listed below in our Hiring Manager Course Catalog. Thousands of companies around the world have dramatically improved their hiring and retention success through implementing the various steps of the Success Factor Methodology.

Hiring Manager Course Catalog


You're Not the Person I Hired

Image of our popular on-site hiring manager course - You're Not the Person I Hired

Our most popular on-site course that lead to the development of our award-winning book, You're NOT the Person I Hired. Executives and managers in your organization will thank you profusely for allowing them to participate in this course. Many of our clients, executives and managers in every functional area, have told us that this one course has changed their lives and transformed their companies by enabling them to hire top talent at every level.


Explore the core elements of our hiring workshop that can transform your hiring practices and improve your ability to hire top talent.

Advanced Interviewing

Image of a Hiring Manager using the techniques learned from our Advanced Interviewing Workshop.

Most executives and managers believe that 100% of the candidates they meet embellish or exaggerate their accomplishments or what they believe they can achieve. Put your hiring executives and managers through this course and you'll approach an accuracy rate above 95%.  We cover in-depth the 5 Core Interview Questions, the Magnifying Glass Approach to validating candidate's claims, and other validation techniques.


Learn the secrets behind flawless interviewing that concurrently valiates interview answers and recruits top talent.

You're the Person I Want to Keep

Image of a Manager giving a high five and letting one of her key people know "You're the Person I Want to Keep"Once you've hired that top talented employee, now you've got to work very hard to ensure you can keep them engaged, motivated, and passionate. This on-site program will give all your executives and managers the tools to keep their very best employees and raise the level of productivity for everyone else.


Learn how exceptional companies retain their top performers.

Management Webinars

Hiring managers sharing a webinar broadcast on interviewing skills.Our webinars give your hiring executives and managers the ability to learn how to hire and retain top talent in a flexible presentation arrangement. We present all our major on-site programs through webinars by breaking each one down into major components. After just a one-hour webinar, your hiring managers will be able to implement the advanced techniques traditionally only available to major corporations.


Give your hiring executives and managers the tools and techniques to hire and retain top talent.

Spotlight on Related Products for the Hiring Manager University


You're Not the Person I Hired

Get the book that shows you how to put the candidate in the job BEFORE you hire them!

With almost 10,000 copies in print, thousands of companies have implemented the Success Factor Methodology described in our book. You should be hiring top talent.

Transform your hiring process today by ordering a copy of the book. Are you ready to start hiring top talent?

Buy the book that will change your life as a hiring manager.

Virtual Chief Talent Officer

What if you could have a Chief Talent Officer in your back pocket when you need it? Imagine having a Virtual Chief Talent Officer available at any time. Get on-call help and on-demand consulting to implement the Success Factor Methodology.

Start by requesting our FREE 8-point Hiring Check-up. Quickly improve your Hiring Process and start raising hiring success.

Imagine having your own personal virtual Chief Talent Officer available anytime to support your hiring managers.


IMPACT Hiring Solutions | T. (866) 730-SOAR (7627) info@impacthiringsolutions.com