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Hiring Management Webinars


Our webinars give your hiring executives and managers the ability to learn how to hire and retain top talent in a flexible presentation arrangement.

We present all our major on-site programs through webinars by breaking each one down into major components. After just a one-hour webinar, your hiring managers will be able to implement the advanced techniques traditionally only available to major corporations.

Learning and development for managers is one of the core reasons top talent will come to your company and why they'll stay.

Layered on top of the basic need to provide hiring executives and managers with the right tools is the fact that most employees will not work for average or mediocre bosses. Do you provide the learning and education of your executives and managers to be exceptional in their hiring and retention of staff?

Hiring Manager Webinar Course Catalog


You're Not the Person I Hired - The Success Factor Methodology

Image of a Hiring Manager quickly finding and selecting a top candidate using the Success Factor MethodologyIn this webinar, we provide an overview of our Success Factor Methodology, focusing on the 5 simple steps you can implement in your own organization. Very few companies have structured training and programs for hiring and retaining top talent. A lot of companies give great lip service to the idea that people are their most important asset. Yet the specific strategies and tactics don't match up with the talk. NOW you can give your hiring managers the gift of knowledge of how to hire and retain top talent.

This fast-paced hiring webinar will provide the core elements of can transform your hiring practices and improve your ability to hire top talent.

Job Descriptions are Worthless

Image of a trash can full of traditional job descriptions that are worthless for hiring effectiveness.

Job Descriptions are necessary for regulatory and compliance requirements. However, as a tool to evaluate potential candidates and predict future success, TRADITIONAL JOB DESCRIPTIONS ARE WORTHLESS. In this program, we'll cover the fundamental first step of defining success by creating a Success Factor Snapshot using the SOAR Approach. Once you've created a Success Factor Snapshot, you'll now have a tool that will drive the entire hiring process, from finding a great candidate to bringing the employee on board.

Learn about the number one reason why hiring fails and how to improve your probability of hiring success.


Advanced Sourcing Techniques

Image of a typical hiring manager searching for top talent using our Advanced Sourcing Techniques.

Are you frustrated by the lack of great talent every time you have an opening? Most of the sourcing and finding of candidates is through traditional techniques that bring the bottom third of the candidate pool to your doorstep. STOP evaluating average and mediocre candidates. In this program, we'll show you how to compel top talent to come forward, even if they already have a great job.


Learn how great companies find top talent through 4 simple and low-cost techniques.

Interviews are a Waste of Time - Advanced Interviewing

Image of a hiring manager using the Magnifying Glass Question Approach to validate a candidate's claims.In this one-hour program of Advanced Interviewing Techniques, we uncover the secrets behind master interviewers. One of the most important skills hiring managers can possess is the ability to conduct an insightful interview that predicts future success. In this program, you'll learn how to ask the 5 Core Interview Questions and probe deeply with the Magnifying Glass Approach to interviewing.


Learn how the most successful executive and hiring managers interview to hire top talent.

Top 10 Hiring Mistakes

Most hiring executives and manager fall victim to one or more of the Top Ten Hiring Mistakes.

Prior to writing our book, You're NOT the Person I Hired, we commissioned a research study to identify the top 10 hiring mistakes. In this program, we review the most common mistakes made by hiring managers. We'll cover each mistake in detail and describe which steps of the Success Factor Methodology overcome each error. If you apply just a few of the tactics described in this program, you'll dramatically improve your hiring accuracy.

Learn how to recognize when you're making one of the Top Ten Hiring Mistakes and how you can avoid hiring failure.


You're the Person I Want to Keep - How to Retain Your Top Talent

Image of engaged and motivated employees whose company has specific tactics for retention.

Once you've hired your outstanding new employee, how do you keep them engaged, motivated, and passionate? NOW the real work begins. Most companies have NO structured programs for retaining employees. Give your hiring managers the tools to retain their top performers. Can you afford not to invest in keeping your best people? In this program, we'll provide an overview of the best practices around creating an outstanding retention program.

Uncover the tactics your hiring managers can follow to retain their best employees.

Non-Monetary Rewards and Recognition - How to Motivate Your Employees

Employees giving a fellow worker a standing ovation for job well done.

Top talent will only perform to a standing ovation. If you're not rewarding and recognizing employees who go above and beyond the call of duty, hit the top quartile of performance, and demonstrate the values you want exhibited on a daily basis, then they'll go to greener pastures. In this program, we'll cover the essential elements of a best practice non-monetary rewards and recognition program.

Grant your hiring executives and managers the tools to motivate their employees to exceptional performance.

Open Roundtable Forum

fall victim to one or more of the Top Ten Hiring Mistakes.

This is really your webinar. We open up the questions and issues that you want to talk about. There is only one topic: what are your hiring issues? This is the forum to get these topics on the table and have an in-depth discussion with an expert. Think of this as our equivalent to the "open mic" on the radio. Only we promise to answer your questions and not hang up on you.


Learn how to recognize when you're making one of the Top Ten Hiring Mistakes and how you can avoid hiring failure.

Spotlight on Related Products for the Hiring Manager Webinars


You're Not the Person I Hired

Get the book that shows you how to put the candidate in the job BEFORE you hire them!

With almost 10,000 copies in print, thousands of companies have implemented the Success Factor Methodology described in our book. You should be hiring top talent.

Transform your hiring process today by ordering a copy of the book. Are you ready to start hiring top talent?

Buy the book that will change your life as a hiring manager.

Virtual Chief Talent Officer

What if you could have a Chief Talent Officer in your back pocket when you need it? Imagine having a Virtual Chief Talent Officer available at any time. Get on-call help and on-demand consulting to implement the Success Factor Methodology.

Start by requesting our FREE 8-point Hiring Check-up. Quickly improve your Hiring Process and start raising hiring success.

Imagine having your own personal virtual Chief Talent Officer available anytime to support your hiring managers.


IMPACT Hiring Solutions | T. (866) 730-SOAR (7627) info@impacthiringsolutions.com