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Advanced Interviewing Course


Teach all your hiring managers to be outstanding at interviewing candidates through our hiring manager advanced interviewing training course


What percent of candidates embellish when interviewing?

Interviewing is about identifying which candidates can do your job. Are your hiring managers qualified to know who is and who is not embellishing?


Interviewing is simple if you have the right process!

Behavioral interviewing is NOT the right process.

Interviewing doesn't uncover "how" the candidate will do your job once they are on board. It is all about their past performance. You don't care about their past performance. You care only if they apply that past performance to your company and your job.

Behavioral interviewing asks a lot of "Have you ever . . . "
"In your past have you done..."

and then clarifies with an example to validate and probe further.


Instead you should ask, "How would you do . . ."
"In our company how would you accomplish . . ."

Now you are interviewing about your job.


This is one of the most important in-house training programs we offer.

It will change how your company hires.

Eliminate candidate embellishment and learn how to probe deeply so you get to the truth.


Others say this about our hiring clinic:

John Wilson, CEO, Tulsa OK. "One of the best interviewing programs we have heard. This program is engaging and full of energy. The biggest feedback we received from our managers was "MORE TIME." This process will completely change how your company hires. It is a simple process and one that just makes sense."

Bill Cohen, VP HR, Chicago, IL. "We have trained all our managers in behavioral interviewing. This was helpful but really didn't get to our job. Now we know why. This is an excellent addition to behavioral interviewing."

Click the button and we will make sure one of our experts contacts you directly to discuss how we can develop a program for your company.

Request a Custom Quote to have one of our partners visit your company and conduct hiring manager advanced interview training for all your hiring managers

You don't need this training clinic

if your managers:

checkmark know how to interview with a specific purpose and know what they want to achieve during the interview.

checkmark have the same standards for top talent.

checkmark set aside first impressions.

checkmark know how to probe deeply and get past embellishments.

checkmark know how to determine cultural fit.

checkmark are competent and you consider your hiring process successful.

If this is your company, congratulations, you don't

need this workshop.


Our expert trainers cover the fundamentals of transforming your interviewing process.

5 Steps To Consistent Interviewing For Every Position

  1. How to eliminate the power of the FIRST impression

  2. How to ask for examples and more examples.

  3. How to eliminate embellishment during the interview with just 5 questions.

  4. How to probe deeply with just 6 words.

  5. How to get to what the candidate did, instead of what "we" did.

Here are three more reasons to consider this clinic:

Tom Jenkins, Sr. VP HR, St. Louis, MO. "This is the best program on interviewing we have brought in-house. The presentation is interesting, interactive and full of energy. It really is more than just interviewing, it is also about finding top talent. Our team is committed to this process and so am I."

Mary Lane-Ferguson Sr. VP HR, Seattle, WA. "I attended one of IMPACT's breakfast briefings on the Success Factor Methodology and was convinced this is what we needed to use as our hiring process. We brought both Brad and Barry in to train all our managers. A year later our hiring has dramatically improved. We are able to attract better candidates, our managers now interview with a purpose and we use the 8-Point Matrix assessment tool after every interview. We have not hired anyone whom in the past we might have hired, only to have them fail. I have referred this program to other HR executives in our community. I highly recommend every company take a serious look at this process."

Bill Johnson, CEO, Los Angeles, CA. "We all thought we probed fairly well during an interview. That is until we went through this training. We were always just stopping short of really getting to the "truth." This is the right way to probe."


Request a Custom Quote to have one of our partners visit your company and conduct hiring manager advanced interview training for all your hiring managers


guarantee_130_x_110.jpgNo questions asked. Just our 100% guarantee that you'll find this to be one of your most worthy investments. If you don't agree, just let us know for a complete refund.




You're Not the Person I Hired

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IMPACT Hiring Solutions | T. (866) 730-SOAR (7627) info@impacthiringsolutions.com