Our wealth of products, services, courses, free resources, and solutions are all built around a core of helping hiring executives and managers to hire and retain top talent. Through 25 years of hiring and interview training, recruitment process improvement, and executive search, we've compiled the richest and most thorough information source on how to improve your recruitment process.
Solutions & Resources for Hiring Managers
In over 1000 presentations to CEO and executive forums, management teams, and conferences, the partners of IHS have asked what are the greatest hiring frustrations most executives and managers constantly face. We explore each of these along with the products, services, and FREE resources to overcome them.
We conducted a formal research project with over 100 companies, supplemented through an additional 20,000 CEO interviews over 25 years. Explore the Top Ten Hiring Mistakes and how to avoid making them.
We have an extensive set of Resources for Hiring Managers, including FREE Assessments, White Papers, Examples, and an interactive blog for hiring top talent.
Our Hiring Process is called the Success Factor Methodology. No other hiring process is as simple and reliable. The Success Factor Methodology has been deeply researched and validated as the most effective approach to dramatically improve hiring accuracy and results.
We provide a range of hiring manager services and solutions from retained executive search to hiring process improvement. All of our projects are built to teach how to use and implement the Success Factor Methodology to hire and retain employees.
Our Hiring Products provide the tools to implement the Success Factor Methodology, ranging from our Desktop Hiring Guide to our award winning book, You're Not the Person I Hired, that has transformed hiring in thousands of companies around the world.
Top Talented individuals all practice continuous learning. Our University supports that learning through courses of deep content, practical HOW TO ideas, and tremendous take-away steps for improvement. Our courses are delivered through a variety of venues and formats, including live facilitator lead programs and webinars.
Spotlight on Hiring Products |
Spotlight on Services and Resources to Overcome Hiring Mistakes
Executive Search
Our Executive Search exclusively uses the Success Factor Methodology to deliver top talent candiates every time. No other search firm has researched or understands the Top 10 Hiring Mistakes and how to overcome them.
FREE Hiring Check-up
Our FREE Hiring Check-up will examine 8 key components of a best practice hiring process. If you qualify, we'll benchmark your process against our Success Factor Methodology. The results will identify improvement opportunities.
Our Most Popular Workshop
Our 5 step process will raise you hiring accuracy almost immediately. You will locate passive candidates and eliminate candidate embellishment. If you only make one hire during tough times it has to be the right one.
Mistakes - Did You Know?
57% of all hiring decisions at an executive level fail.
Imagine compounding that failure rate by at least 20% for every level deeper in your company.
Why does this happen? It occurs because of common hiring mistakes that are made over and over.
Overcome the most common hiring mistakes