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The IMPACT Hiring Solutions Product Catalog for Hiring Managers

Example of one of our many hiring products for hiring managers to improve finding candidates, use interviewing tips and techniques, and implement recruiting toolsOur Hiring Products provide the tools to implement the Success Factor Methodology, ranging from our Desktop Hiring Guide to our award winning book, You're Not the Person I Hired, that has transformed hiring in thousands of companies around the world.

Your hiring executives and managers will thank you over and over for the tools listed below. For a small investment, you can gain access to the tools, training, and techniques for which larger companies invest thousands in live training and implementation.

These products provide a strong reinforcement for hiring improvement and learning once your hiring managers have participated in our live courses or webinars.


Hiring Products


Learn more about the book that is transforming the hiring practices of thousands of companies worldwide.


Thousands of companies have implemented the Success Factor Methodology described in our book. You're hiring managers will thank you for helping them improve hiring accuracy.

Learn more about the book that is transforming the hiring practices of thousands of companies worldwide.




Our award winning book in eBook Download format - now your hiring managers do not have to wait to get their hands on all the hiring and interviewing tips and techniques


Now you can obtain the best practices we've discovered, researched, and validated over 25 years immediately. We've taken our award winning book and converted it into a downloadable eBook.

Learn more about our eBook on improving hiring accuracy through better hiring and interviewing tips and techniques for hiring managers




Our Desktop Hiring Guide for Hiring Manager Training with interview tips, tools, and techniques


The 5 steps to implement the Success Factor Methodology are on one side and the 5-core question interview with magnifying probing questions is on the other.

Spotlight on Services and Resources for Hiring Products

Our Most Popular Workshop

Our popular course for hiring managers to learn how to develop skills in finding, interviewing, and evaluating candidates

Our 5 step process will raise you hiring accuracy almost immediately. You will locate passive candidates and eliminate candidate embellishment. If you only make one hire during tough times it has to be the right one.

Learn the 5 key steps how to hire top talent consistently in every role in your company

FREE Hiring Check-up

Image of Doctors doing a check-up as a metaphor for the FREE Hiring Check-up

Our FREE Hiring Check-up will examine 8 key components of a best practice hiring process. If you qualify, we'll benchmark your process against our Success Factor Methodology. The results will identify improvement opportunities.

Request a Hiring Check-up for Your Company Now!

You're Not the Person I Hired

Get the book that shows you how to put the candidate in the job BEFORE you hire them!

With almost 10,000 copies in print, thousands of companies have implemented the Success Factor Methodology described in our book. You should be hiring top talent.

Transform your hiring process today by ordering a copy of the book. Are you ready to start hiring top talent?

Buy the book that will change your life as a hiring manager.

Virtual Chief Talent Officer

What if you could have a Chief Talent Officer in your back pocket when you need it? Imagine having a Virtual Chief Talent Officer available at any time. Get on-call help and on-demand consulting to implement the Success Factor Methodology.

Start by requesting our FREE 8-point Hiring Check-up. Quickly improve your Hiring Process and start raising hiring success.

Imagine having your own personal virtual Chief Talent Officer available anytime to support your hiring managers.


IMPACT Hiring Solutions | T. (866) 730-SOAR (7627) info@impacthiringsolutions.com