Your Hiring Process - The 5-Step Success Factor Methodology
We've developed for hiring managers a subset of our 8-step Success Factor Methodology which we employ in our Executive Search Practice.
This subset of 5 simple steps can be easily implemented within your company to dramatically improve hiring accuracy and avoid the 56% failure syndrome.
Through 5 simple steps, you can teach all your hiring managers to find, select, assess, and hire top talent on a consistent basis.
The first and most important part of the entire hiring process is building an accurate definition of what is expected from the role. This has nothing to do with the traditional job description. Not defining success is the #1 reason behind hiring failure.
Why do most traditional methods of finding candidates - mediocre advertisements on job boards, light networking, and job fairs - generate so few top talent applications. Most sourcing methods companies use to attract talent actually bring to the surface the "best of the worst".
The traditional interview is useless as a tool for predicting future success. Most hiring managers believe that the vast majority of candidates embellish and exaggerate their claims of accomplishment.
The comparison of notes between interviewers at the proverbial water cooler after the interview is bordering on comical. Superficial remarks, platitudes,and general assumptions based on intuition and bias rule the day.
Ronald Regan's words rang true during the SALT II Treaties Nuclear Disarmament Talks when he said "Trust, but verify". Many candidates make up jobs they've never held, skills they do not possess, grades they've not attained, and degrees not granted.
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Our 5 step process will raise you hiring accuracy almost immediately. You will locate passive candidates and eliminate candidate embellishment. If you only make one hire during tough times it has to be the right one.

FREE Hiring Check-up

Our FREE Hiring Check-up will examine 8 key components of a best practice hiring process. If you qualify, we'll benchmark your process against our Success Factor Methodology. The results will identify improvement opportunities.


We'll conduct a FREE review of your outstanding Compelling Marketing Statement that you've put together to advertise for an open position. You'll be amazed at the candidates who come foward because they were so compelled.

Mistakes - Did You Know?
57% of all hiring decisions at an executive level fail.
Imagine compounding that failure rate by at least 20% for every level deeper in your company.
Why does this happen? It occurs because of common hiring mistakes that are made over and over.
Overcome the most common hiring mistakes
