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Candidate University

Manager participating in the IMPACT Hiring Solutions Candidate Course on Advanced NetworkingWe've developed a series of courses for candidates looking to improve their career and job search success.

We deliver these programs through a webinar format. All you need to participate is a computer and a telephone; easily accomplished from the comfort of your home.

Over the past 25 years, we've had the pleasure of seeing young adults graduate and a quarter of a century later become CEOs and senior executives. Why do some succeed and others flounder?

One common trait of all top talent is that they continually invest in themselves. Not only in their technical and managerial skills - but also in their career management and job search skills.

Top talent doesn't let their career happen to them as a function of luck. They actively manage and leverage their careers through constant reading, learning, and education. Can you afford not to take advantage of some of the most powerful webinar programs we've put together on career success and job search best practices?

Candidate Course Catalog


Cut Your Transition Time in Half

Image of time slipping away in your job search - Cut the transition time in your job search

Most executive job searches take 4-6 months in the best of times. In slow markets or recessions, that timeframe can easily double. What if starting tomorrow you could cut your transition time in half? Imagine the savings you wouldn't be digging into, the stress your family wouldn't be feeling, and the anxiety you could live without. In just one hour, we'll show you how to step off the circle of transition in your career and quickly find and win that next great opportunity.

Stop wasting time in an unproductive job search - cut your transition time in half NOW

Resumes are Worthless

Image of a traditional resume that is worthless as tool in an effective job search

The vast majority of resumes are worthless. On top of that they are boring, mundane, and over 99% end up in the circular file. Why? We'll show you how to create a knockout document called a Personal Marketing Brochure built upon your Success Profile. If you follow the tactics laid out in this fast-moving program, you'll have hiring executives and managers begging you to interview for their open positions.


Learn the secrets from Executive Recruiters of why some resumes get read and others are tossed into the trash can

Advanced Networking

Quickly develop an advanced network that generates an abundance of great opportunities

The majority of networks most executives possess, especially when they are job searching are nothing short of horrific. For most executives, it can take 6 months to establish a strong network and another 6 months before the network begins to produce outstanding job leads. We'll show you how to significantly reduce the time it takes to build an advanced network that leads to an abundance of opportunities.


Learn how to build your advanced network quickly to yield an abundance of referrals and job leads



Leveraging the Internet

Leverage the Internet to quickly build your advanced network

The on-line tools for executives seeking a new opportunity are increasing at an exponential rate. We'll show you how to leverage many of the social networking sites, business research tools, and the latest best practices in on-line networking and communications to quickly build your advanced network. Do you know which tools to use and how to extract the best value out of each one?


Learn how to leverage the Internet to quickly build your advanced network that will lead to an abundance of job leads


Winning the Phone Interview

Win the phone interview and raise the probability of an invitation to a face-to-face meeting

The phone interview is very different than the face-to-face interview. Do you know how to "read" the interviewer over the phone? What are the common pitfalls to avoid in phone interviewing? How do you convey the personality traits a hiring manager might be looking for through the phone? How do you avoid coming off like you're in need of deep therapy? How many times have you sat through a phone interview and not been invited to a face-to-face meeting? Let us show you how to increase your batting average.

Learn how to win the phone interview and raise the probability of an invitation to a face-to-face meeting


Learning to S.W.E.A.R. in the Interview

Image of an executive candidate in an interview using the S.W.E.A.R. technique of the Career Success Methdology

You cannot afford to go to an interview and fail to be asked back for another round. Each time you get to bat, you must get a hit and move to the next base. We'll show you how to use a simple but effective method to amaze the interviewer. We use an easy to remember memory device called the S.W.E.A.R. method. This method will keep you focused on providing the perfect answer to every question.


Learn how to use the master interview technique of SWEARing in the interview

Open Roundtable Discussion

Win the phone interview and raise the probability of an invitation to a face-to-face meeting

This is all about you and your job search. Bring any questions, issues, challenges or problems to this webinar. We have an expert ready to help you. There is no pre-set topic. We have only one topic: dealing with your needs. This is our equivalent of the "open mic" on the radio. Only we will let you talk and promise not to hang up on you. Best of all this is FREE, so no more excuses or unanswered questions.

Learn how to win the phone interview and raise the probability of an invitation to a face-to-face meeting

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