What’s your version of HR Insanity?

Dilbert animation cell
Image via Wikipedia

Evil HR Lady is one of my favorite blogs to follow. Suzanne Lucas, the funny and sometimes frank HR Guru behind Evil HR Lady, recently wrote on her blog asking for samples of Your Favorite or Least Favorite Policy.

I almost doubled over in laughter reading some of these Dilbert-ish comments.

What are the tribal policies that are in place in your company or organization that make you want to go home and either laugh till you cry, or cry while pounding on the wall? Where do these come from?

How many of your employees are turned off to your culture when they hear, read, see policies that have no grounding in common sense.

Why do you put policies in place that cause your employees to question your sanity?

File this one under “How I Encourage My Best People to Leave and Join My Competitors”.

Barry Deutsch

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About the Author

Barry Deutsch is a founding Partner of IMPACT Hiring Solutions, co-author of "You're NOT the Person I Hired", and "This is NOT the Position I Accepted". Barry is an award-winning international speaker, retained executive recruiter, and expert on hiring and retaining top talent, and executive job search.


  1. My all time favorite was a change to the benefits package in a small company I worked for years ago. I get the whole saving money thing…the policy change was phasing out reimbursements for prescription birth control in the drug plan. The official reason for it being phased out was "it is a lifestyle choice". They could have simply said, we are a small company facing lean times. Ironically, it was sold six years later for 22 Million. 3x revenues for a professional services firm. Not bad.

  2. HR insanity as told to…ME by a vineyard worker. Taking the SPHR exam over and over and then be told that SHRM and SPHR and PHR are worthless and is not helpful to HR candidates and veterans looking for pay increases. Sounds insane to me too.

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