Job Search Plan - Are You Conducting An Effective Job Search?
Many candidates conduct an ineffective job search.
An effective job search is a like a race - will your job search plan enable you to complete the race on time, in half the normal time, or will you be on of those job seekers in the "back of the pack" floundering and struggling to even finish the race (find a great opportunity before you become desperate)?
Most job seekers make one or more of the classic job search mistakes. They try to conduct their search in isolation thinking "I know everything there is to know about conducting an effective job search". Many candidates take way too long to conduct an effective and efficient job search. If your job search is organized, well-planned, and high disciplined - you should be able to conduct an effective job search within half the time it would normally take your peer group.
Why then do most job seekers take way too long to complete their job search?
Are You Making Job Search Mistakes and Errors?
We documented the Top Ten Job Search Mistakes on our Job Search and Career Management Blog.
Not having a systematic, well-researched, documented job search plan is the #1 Job Search Mistake that leads to an inability to conduct an effective job search.
Most candidates approach their job search in a "willy-nilly" fashion - or some might call a "seat-of-pants" approach. An effective job search should be a comprehensive strategic and tactical plan covering very element of your job search activities and initiatives. You wouldn't take on a major project at work without a plan - why would you approach one of the most important activities of your life - your job search and career - without a plan?
Our Job Search Self-Assessment Scorecard gives you a snapshot of the effectiveness of your current job search plan? Have you documented each element of your plan? Are there major gaps or holes in your job search startegy? Is your job search doomed to failure before you start since you've not thought through all the elements required to manage an effective job search?
How Much Time Should Your Job Search Require?
An effective job search should take half the time normally required by your peer group to find a great job. If you are at an executive level and the average time to find a job in a weak employment market is 9 months to 1 year - your effective job search should take half that time 4.5 to 6 months. If you are at a mid-manager level and the average time to complete a job search should be 6-9 months to find a great job, your effective job search through a good job search plan should only take 3-4.5 months.
How long have you been conducting a job search? Are you past the point of an effective search?
Perhaps, you're past the point of the average job search time for your peer group?
Are you going to continue doing the same thing over and over that you've been doing for the past 3-6 months or are you ready to take a new approach to conducting an effective job search. Benjamin Franklin called this sympton of doing the same thing over and over - hoping for different results - the definition of insanity.
Are you a poster child in your job search for the definition of insanity?
Download the Job Search Plan Self-Assessment Scorecard
Get this FREE Job Search Plan Self-Assessment Scorecard right now and move beyond the definition of insanity. Make a committment to yourself to immediately put your job search on the right track and begin to conduct an effective job search to find that great opportunity you deserve.
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