#3 Hiring Frustration - Exaggeration and Lies


exaggeration_and_lies.jpgThe vast majority of the 50,000 executives and managers we've presented to over the last 2 decades believe that almost all candidates embellish and exaggerate what they've accomplished or what they think they can achieve.

The 5-core question interview and magnifying question approach to fact-finding ensures candidates will provide accurate and honest responses to your questions.

Hiring Executives and Managers using these two tools will discover that there is not a single candidate on earth who can make it up fast enough  -- they've either done it and can describe their accomplishments in clear and precise detail -- or they will self-implode.

The products and services listed below will provide the foundation so that all hiring executives and managers can overcome the problems of accurately measuring a candidate during the interviewing process.

Products To Overcome the Frustration of Exaggeration and Lies


Desktop Hiring Guide

Our Desktop Hiring Guide - all the key components of our hiring process compressed into a handy desktop tool for your hiring managers to improve their hiring and interviewing skills

Give one to every supervisor, manager, and executive. A decade from now they will still have these in a corner of their desk. The 5 steps to implement the Success Factor Methodology are on one side and the 5-core question interview with magnifying probing questions is on the other. Your managers will not be able to thank you enough for giving them this tool.

Discover the benefit of giving your hiring managers a desktop guide that will aid them in selecting, interviewing, and evaluating candidates

Services to Overcome the Frustration of Exaggeration and Lies

Executive Search

Image representing a search that includes the Magnifying Glass Approach to Interviewing

Our Executive Search exclusively uses the Success Factor Methodology to deliver top talent candiates every time. No other search firm has researched or understands the Top 10 Hiring Mistakes and how to overcome them.

Learn more about how our Executive Search Project dramatically differs from the approach of most common recruiters

Advanced Interviewing

Image of a Hiring Manager using Advanced Interviewing Techniques

Invest in helping your executives and managers build teams of top talent through this on-site workshop to learn how to conduct effective and insightful interviews to eliminate candidate lies, embellishment,  exaggeration, and misleading claims.

Learn how to use Advanced Interviewing Techniques to uncover the truth

You're Not the Person I Hired

Get the book that shows you how to put the candidate in the job BEFORE you hire them!

With almost 10,000 copies in print, thousands of companies have implemented the Success Factor Methodology described in our book. You should be hiring top talent.

Transform your hiring process today by ordering a copy of the book. Are you ready to start hiring top talent?

Buy the book that will change your life as a hiring manager.

Virtual Chief Talent Officer

What if you could have a Chief Talent Officer in your back pocket when you need it? Imagine having a Virtual Chief Talent Officer available at any time. Get on-call help and on-demand consulting to implement the Success Factor Methodology.

Start by requesting our FREE 8-point Hiring Check-up. Quickly improve your Hiring Process and start raising hiring success.

Imagine having your own personal virtual Chief Talent Officer available anytime to support your hiring managers.


IMPACT Hiring Solutions | T. (866) 730-SOAR (7627) info@impacthiringsolutions.com