Don’t even think about trying this technique unless you’re prepared for an employer to offer you a job.
I was speaking with a client a few days ago and he told me a story about a candidate he had just hired for a sales position. She had lost her jo…
Tag Archive for ‘resume techniques’ 
Job Search Success: Can Targeting Make a Difference?
Social Media Resume Tool
Tweet I stumbled across this tool the other day for job seekers. I was reading one of my favorite blogs on how-to blog, called Blogging Tips, and they featured this tool. You can read more about DOYOUBUZZ by clicking here. It appears to enable putting together a “social media” resume. Try it and see if […]
How To Get Recruiters To Reply To Your Resume
I know this is one of the major complaints by candidates. I hear it all the time, “I send them my resume and they don’t reply. Most won’t even return my phone call.” As difficult as it is to say, for the most part these candidates are correct…
You Still Might Not Get a Call to Interview
Tweet Even after passing through the screening process of having a”Recruiter Read Your Resume in 10 Seconds or Less”, you might still not get to the stage of an interview. Learn how to recognize what issues might be stumbling blocks in your resume and how to overcome some of the more common issues. My partner […]
Job Search Audio - How Recruiters Read Your Resume in 10 Seconds
Tweet As a follow-up to our article on How Recruiters Read Resumes in 10 Seconds or Less (which by the way must of somehow gone viral since the response/review/comments almost brought down our server), Brad and I did a radio broadcast on this subject in our last Internet Radio Show on You can stream […]
Increasing Your Resume Response Rate – Audio Recording
Most resumes and cover letters end up in the trash can. The vast majority of resumes and cover letters submitted for a job posting DO NOT give a hiring manager or recruiter the incentive to pick up the phone and conduct an interview. Most Resu…
How Recruiters Read Resumes In 10 Seconds – Audio Recording
Recruiters screen your resume in less than 10 seconds for a few very simple reasons. Do you know the top 5 reasons why a recruiter will toss your resume into the circular file after a quick glance? Are you making simple mistakes and errors tha…
5 Tips How To Keep Your Resume Out Of The Black Hole
Candidates constantly complain about how when they email resumes they all seem to end up in the proverbial “black hole.”
As a recruiter, who receives on average 6 to 7 hundred resumes a week, I can understand your frustration. I’m als…
How to Give Your Resume a Booster Shot
Your resume needs a booster shot.
No longer is a simple 2 page resume enough to capture interest.
It’s boring.
It’s mundane.
It’s ineffective at fully telling your story (especially if you missed the last dozen or so blog posts that Brad and I wr…
What are Job Search Best Practices?
Do you know the core best practices of conducting a job search?
Could you rattle these off the tip of your tongue right now?
Here’s the killer question – are you executing flawlessly against these best practices in your current job search?
If eithe…