On Monday at 11 AM PDT in our Weekly Internet Radio Talk Show on LATalkRadio.com, Brad and I will discuss, launch, and describe in detail one of the most powerful tools you’ll probably ever use in your job search planning and preparation.
This Self-A…
Tag Archive for ‘networking failure’ 
Get Ready for the launch of our FREE Tool for a Self-Assessment of your Job Search Plan
Job Search Mistake #1: Not Having a Systematic Approach to Conducting a Job Search
Is your job search systematic or more dependent on luck?
Many candidates approach a job search “willy-nilly”. The approach goes something like this “I’ll tell my friends I’m looking for a job, I’ll call the 3 recruiters I know and tell them…
IMPACT Hiring Solutions Weekly Job Search Blog Round-up: August 22, 2009
In case you missed some of the individual blog postings this week, here’s a round-up of some of the more popular posts Brad and I wrote for the Job Search Blog:
It’s Okay to Swear in the Interview: Learn the secrets of a structured response to ever…
Are You Difficult to Connect with on LinkedIn in Your Job Search?
Many candidates are obsessive about protecting the confidentiality of their contact information on LinkedIn when they are in a job search, even when they indicate on their LinkedIn Profile that they are open to career opportunities.
This doesn’t…
How to Mistreat Your Recruiter
Recruiters also need a little love
Why do many executives and managers mistreat recruiters when they are employed – yet beg recruiters to return their calls and present them on search assignments when they are unemployed or into a major job search f…
What Fish are In Your Networking Pond?
Let’s continue along my last post about fishing and networking. As you’ll recall, we were extending the wonderful post about fishing as a metaphor for job search networking that Anna Farmery from Buzz Networker had brought to our attention a few da…
How Recruiters Find People
In my 29 years of recruiting, I have talked with and trained over 200 recruiters around the country in advanced recruiting techniques. Given this, I’ve learned two things 1) the recruiting industry is not homogeneous and 2) we all may be differen…
Is Fishing like Job Search Networking?
Anna Farmery of the Buzz Networker put up a blog post the other day titled “Why Networking is like Fishing” that should serve as an important reminder to those conducting a job search.
Networking for Candidates
The funny thing about this title is t…
Have You Assessed Your LinkedIn Profile Yet?
About a month ago, we published a self-assessment matrix by which you can assess the effectiveness of your LinkedIn Profile. In a recent research project/survey, we discovered that less than less than 10% of the LinkedIn Profiles we reviewed of active …