In one of my recent blog posts, I suggested that if your job search is now moving past one year, in most situations your job search is ineffective. You can read that post about job search failure by clicking here.
From my perch regarding ineffective jo…
Tag Archive for ‘mistakes working with recruiters’ 
Don’t Blame Me For Your Job Search Lack of Success
Why Are You Still Unemployed a Year Later?
You’re still unemployed because your job search is ineffective.
I don’t accept the excuse “it’s a bad economy and that’s why you’re still out of work.”
It’s not appealing when you play the victim and adopt a LOSER mentality.
Common Frus…
Why Do Most Recruiter Interviews Set You Up for Failure?
Most 3rd-party recruiter interviews set you up for failure with hiring managers.
Before the entire recruiting profession jumps down my throat over that statement – let’s examine this statement in a little more depth.
Most (there are a few exception…
New Poll Shows Over 50% Unemployed For Over A Year
I recently conducted a non-scientific poll using LinkedIn. 912 people responded to the poll and the results follow with some commentary on the results.
The only question asked was, “How long have you been unemployed and looking for a job?”…
How Can You Find the Best Job Search Content?
Who are your favorite bloggers that you read regularly to discover how to improve your job search?
Oh wait – let’s take a giant step backwards before we try to answer that question.
Are you searching, reading, devouring the content about effective …
So Many Candidates Are Only 70% Effective In Their Job Search
There aren’t too many things one can do only 70% effectively and be successful. Can you imagine doing your job 70% effectively? Would you hire someone that told you in an interview,” I work great 70% of the time?” Would you keep a per…
Most Recruiters are Wasting Your Time
How do You Find a Recruiter that will work with you?
Networking – Networking – Networking (more on this subject later)
Many candidates assume the recruiter is “working with them” if one of the following scenarios take place:
The recruiter acce…
The Nurturing and Caring of Recruiters
Tweet Are you caring for your recruiter? What have you done recently to build, enhance, increase, develop, nurture, care, love the relationship you have with a recruiter? If the answer is NOTHING – you’re in trouble. NO relationship = NO job leads and referrals. I posted a blog article on our popular Job Search and […]
Have You Fed Your Recruiter Today?
Recruiters need nourishment too.
Like the little fake babies they give to middle-school/junior high students to carry around, feed, clean, and nurture for a few days – if you don’t take care of it – bad things happen.
Your recruiter relationship …
Ask A Recruiter Anything You Want To Know
As a recruiter for the last 30 years this September, I get asked questions daily. Sometimes about one’s career and other times job search questions. Most job search questions focus on the tools of a job search, the resume, cover letter, intervi…