I recently conducted a non-scientific poll using LinkedIn. 912 people responded to the poll and the results follow with some commentary on the results.
The only question asked was, “How long have you been unemployed and looking for a job?”…
Tag Archive for ‘free job search audio’ 
New Poll Shows Over 50% Unemployed For Over A Year
So Many Candidates Are Only 70% Effective In Their Job Search
There aren’t too many things one can do only 70% effectively and be successful. Can you imagine doing your job 70% effectively? Would you hire someone that told you in an interview,” I work great 70% of the time?” Would you keep a per…
Mediocre Networking equals Failed Job Search
I just published a blog on our HIRE and RETAIN Top Talent Blog aimed at hiring executives and managers on the subject of networking.
You can read this blog posting on networking for Executives and Managers by CLICKING HERE.
Outrageous Claim ? Networkin…
Stop Being a LinkedIn Lurker: Job Search Tactic #3
Sounds like something you could be arrested for – maybe even a felony conviction.
Seriously, if you want to take your job search to another level, you’ve got to engage in communicating and interacting on the primary social media forum for professio…
101 Job Search Tactics to Find a Job NOW!
I’m boiling mad!
I’m offended.
Brad and I put in an effort that exceeds most experts in the job search space. Do we deserve grief and abuse for it?
A recent commenter on my last blog posting inferred that Brad and I publish “fluff” and DO NOT p…
Job Search Audio - How Recruiters Read Your Resume in 10 Seconds
Tweet As a follow-up to our article on How Recruiters Read Resumes in 10 Seconds or Less (which by the way must of somehow gone viral since the response/review/comments almost brought down our server), Brad and I did a radio broadcast on this subject in our last Internet Radio Show on LATalkRadio.com. You can stream […]
New Job Search FREE Resources Portal
Tweet We’ve launched a new job search free resources portal. Consider this your home site for aggregating and consolidating all the expert advice from the best bloggers on various elements of conducting an effective job search, including job search networking, interviewing, resume writing, cover letters, and leveraging social media in your job search. If you’re […]
2 Simple Questions I Asked 10 Job Seekers And They Failed
This is why recruiters and hiring managers get frustrated with candidates. For the most part this demonstrates why most candidates fail the interview. Candidates leave an interview thinking all went well, when in fact, the candidate is not going to be …
Don’t Be the Candidate Screened Out by a Recruiter’s First Question
In my last blog post, I described how the best recruiters screen out the vast majority of candidates for their search assignments through one simple question.
Don’t be the one who gets screened out in 30 seconds.
Many times these are great opportunit…
Job Seekers Should Stop Being So Hypocritical
For 30 years this September, as both a contingent and retained recruiter, I have listened to the complaints by candidates (job seekers) about hiring managers and the complaints by hiring managers about candidates.
Even after 30 years, as I read blog co…