- 101 Job Search Tactics to Find a Job NOW!
- How Can You Find the Best Job Search Content?
- Is Your Job Search Stuck in High School Time Warp?
Are You Competing at an Olympic Level in Your Job Search?
Featured Job Search Best Practice Blogger: Miriam Salpeter at Keppie Careers
Our first featured Job Search Best Practice Blogger is Miriam Salpeter at Keppie Careers. Miriam provides exceptional content, great ideas, tips, techniques, and recommendations on how you can conduct an effective job search. She has a great following of dedicated fans and continues week after week to provide job search best practices to job seekers.
This is a blogger whom every job seeker should be following. Visit her job search blog and subscribe to her blog feed.
We're featuring the very best job search bloggers from across the Internet just like Miriam.
Do you deserve to be on this A-list of Job Search Bloggers? Let us know if you think you're blog is worthy of being on the same pedestal as the blog Miriam writes at Keppie Careers.
Barry Deutsch
Are you a Job Search Best Practice Blogger?
Are you a Job Search Best Practice Blogger? If so, we want you!
We're featuring the very best job search bloggers from across the Internet. We're looking for job search best practice experts from around the world. What qualifies as a job search best practice blogger?
- You blog regularly - ideally every day, at worst every other day.
- You answer your comments on a timely basis.
- You've established a large and dedicated following for your content reflected in your forums, comments, feed subscribers, retweets, Twitter followers, Facebook Friends, and LinkedIn Connections.
- Your messages are usually big on content, little on marketing. We realize you are running a business and have a need to earn a living. However, your blog content should be chock full of job search best practices.
- You provide a wealth of FREE job search examples, samples, resources, tools, tips, checklists, etc. You give away are very generous with your job search community.
- You are regarded as being on a pedestal in the job search community for your honest comments, integrity, reputation, and personal brand.
- You are referred to frequently in other blog postings, radio shows, and general media. Others love to quote you.
- You've written a real book, an ebook, authored video and audio programs. Your content is packaged for others to implement in their job search.
- You are a social media guru regarding job search. Not only do you talk about it on your blog, but you are also a master of using all the available social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Internet Radio, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.
If you meet the criteria described above, would you like to be included in our round-up of Job Search Best Practice Bloggers?
If we select you as one of the very top job search best practice bloggers, we'll redistribute your feed to our large job search community, and we'll feature some of your best blog articles as examples of outstanding job search writing.
If you believe you're one of the best bloggers, use our contact form to send us your blog address, and why you believe you should be included in our list of the very best Job Search Best Practice Bloggers.
Barry Deutsch
Comparison of Job Search to Olympic Competition
Mirian Salpeter, one of my favorite job search bloggers, at Keppie Careers, posted a recent blog about how athletic competition at the Olympics compares to your job search. And you all know what a big nut I am around using sports metaphors in hiring and job search.
However, I'm not sure the Olympics are a fair comparison to the vast majority of job searches. We have to keep in mind that these athletes represent the top .0001 % of all athletes competing in that sport. They've dedicated their lives to being the very best. Most employers are not looking for the top .0001 % in the candidate pool. They would be overjoyed getting the top 25% of the candidate pool.
Unfortunately, sometimes your resume, job networking, job strategies do not enable you to even fall within the top 25%. See my expanded blog posting on this subject in our Career Job Search Blog.
I like Miriam's take on using the Olympics as a metaphor - good or bad - to your job search. She also happens to be one of the best bloggers on job search best practices. Do take some time to subscribe and follow her blog.
Barry Deutsch
Fascinating YouTube Video on Job Markets Last 50 Years
Toby Dayton posted a fascinating YouTube Video in his Diggings Blog showing the current job market recession compared to those over the last 50 years. Although the video is "disturbing", it does reflect the difficulty job seekers have faced over the last few years and will continue to face for the next few years.
Barry Deutsch
Is There Light at the end of the Tunnel for the Job Market?
Alison Doyle reports on various statistics in her Job Search Blog at About.com that might show the job market is finally on the track back up. As a Retained Executive Recruiter focusing on the managerial and executive market, we've been forecasting a return to a more "normal" job market in very late 2010 or early2011.
Barry Deutsch
You Passed The 10 Second Screen. You May Still NOT Get A Call. WHY?
- Key Word Searches For Resumes
- 2 Types Of Resume Key Word Searches You Must Get Past
- How To Get Recruiters To Reply To Your Resume
Learn How Recruiters Read Your Resume in 10 Seconds
My partner Brad Remillard wrote this post on our Career and Job Search Blog and it has generated a firestorm of controversy. See why you might be screened out in 10 seconds. Discover the basic elements of how the best recruiters leverage their time in screening hundreds, if not thousands of resumes quickly.
How Recruiters Read Resumes in 10 Seconds
Barry Deutsch
New Job Search FREE Resources Portal
We've launched a new job search free resources portal.
Consider this your home site for aggregating and consolidating all the expert advice from the best bloggers on various elements of conducting an effective job search, including job search networking, interviewing, resume writing, cover letters, and leveraging social media in your job search.
If you're looking for expert advice, we've assembled some of the very best content from across the web all in one place so you can get your daily dose of how to conduct a more effective job search. The content comes from the RSS feeds of these job search expert's blogs. The articles change frequently.
If there is a category or tag you're interested in following, be sure to click our RSS button to stay up to date on all the latest content - or perhaps you're just interested in the collection of featured articles we pull on a daily basis that offer the greatest value and impact - click on the RSS feed button at the bottom of the page or in the sidebar.
Don't forget to check out our posts at the bottom of the page where we feature some of the very best content from these job search experts.
Increasing Your Resume Response Rate – Audio Recording
- How Recruiters Read Resumes In 10 Seconds – Audio Recording
- Is Your LinkedIn Profile Hurting Or Helping Your Job Search – Audio Recording
- Answering Those Box Checking Interviewing Questions – Audio Recording