As the new year starts, many will be either restarting or launching a job search. One thing missing from so many in the job hunting mode is accountability.
We see this all the time in our job search coaching practice. Most candidates go it alone. If 2011 was a go it alone year for you, I might suggest that 2012 be get a partner year. Not just any partner but an accountability partner.
Let’s look at what an accountability partner is and is not:
1. It is not your spouse or close friend. I know they hold you accountable in many ways, but this is not the right person. They are too close to the situation and not objective.
2. They will support you. Not financially. Rather emotionally, spiritually and intellectually. You trust them and they will listen to you.
3. They don’t feel your pain. They understand your pain. There is a big difference. Understanding, rather than feeling, keeps them objective and they don’t become emotionally attached.
4. They understand your history. They must understand your background, strengths, accomplishments, what you’ve done to date in your search, and also what not so obvious talents and strengths you have that might be transferable. They also understand the flip side – where you don’t excel and even your weaknesses.
5. They are not your therapist. If you need a therapist, get one, but that is not the purpose of an accountability partner.
6. They are open, honest and tough. An accountability partner must be capable of telling you exactly what you are and are not doing. Many people can’t be this direct. Sometimes it is necessary to tell someone that they aren’t doing enough or that they need to step it up. This can be even more difficult for candidates that have been looking for some time.
7. They need to be knowledgeable. They should be someone that understands a job search process or methodology. If they aren’t very knowledgeable in helping those in a job search, then helping you might be difficult. This is particularly true if your job search is stalled. You don’t hire a law clerk when you need a lawyer and amateur golf instructors make amateur golfers.
8. Experience. A little different than knowledgeable, in that this is hands-on experience in helping people in a job search. We all thought we knew everything when we graduated from college, but once we had some experience most discovered something different. This is the knowledge versus experience that I’m referring to.
There are others, but when you find these in an accountability partner, you are starting 2012 on the right foot.
Some other things you can do to start on the right foot are:
To download the free chapter on Conducting an Effective Phone Interview from our book “This Is NOT The Position I Accepted” CLICK HERE and then click on the Free Search Resources link.
If you would like to know if your job search is fully utilized and you are doing the right things, download our free 8 Matrix Job Search Self- Assessment Scorecard. CLICK HERE and then click on the Free Search Resource link.
Part 2 will be about what to expect from an accountability partner.
If this was helpful, then please help others by forwarding it on to your network, posting on your Facebook page, Tweeting with the link, posting to your Linkedin groups or status update. Let’s all do everything we can to help those looking for employment.
I welcome your comments.
Brad Remillard