Stop Being a LinkedIn Lurker: Job Search Tactic #3
Sounds like something you could be arrested for – maybe even a felony conviction.
Seriously, if you want to take your job search to another level, you’ve got to engage in communicating and interacting on the primary social media forum for professionals, managers, and executives.
Studies show that 90% or more of all users of social media (including LinkedIn) are lurkers.
What the heck is a LinkedIn Lurker?
A lurker is someone who reads the news feeds in groups, reads the questions in groups, reads the questions and answers in the Q&A section, and observes the status updates of those to whom they share a 1st degree connection.
Are you a LinkedIn Lurker?
Lurking is like hiding behind your mother’s skirt when you were 3 years old. Why do we do this as intelligent, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, confident adults? I wrote another article a few months ago on this same subject titled “STOP Being A Job Search Voyeur – Let Your Voice Be Heard“
I don’t get it.
I don’t even buy the introversion excuse since you’re not having to meet these people on-line or build a deep relationship. There is no rejection phobia here either.
Engaging in the conversation on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter is just about the most friendly, safest environment to give your job search a little booster shot in the arm.
Here’s a few simple things you could start doing right now:
- How many of you are posting questions in our LinkedIn Discussion Forum and how many of you are helping others in the Group by answering/commenting on the discussions they started?
- Are you looking at the wealth of news feeds in our LinkedIn Discussion Group and commenting on those valuable links?
- When was the last time you commented on a connection’s status update?
We’ll tackle further engagement on LinkedIn in future tactics.
By the way, My Partner, Brad Remillard, will be leading a webinar on March 26th on how to leverage ALL the different elements of LinkedIn to conduct an effective job search.
Click on the link in our sidebar to learn about this very popular webinar.
If there was one place you could invest your time and get the biggest bang for the buck, it would on LinkedIn. Sadly, most job seekers are not leveraging even 10% of the tools, personal branding, engagement opportunities, and other inexpensive techniques to help themselves be found.
Brad and I did a couple of Programs on LinkedIn in our Weekly Radio Show. You can download these from our FREE Job Search Audio Library.
You know it’s much easier to be found than to find the right job.
What’s holding you back right now from signing up for a one-hour webinar (from one of the top experts in this country on using LinkedIn) in which you’ll learn at least a dozen core tactics that you’ll use every day in your job search?
Barry Deutsch